Chad’s Blog
Pragmatic Technologies for Life and Business Success®
(photo by Tim Niland)
Progress of Music and Technology
The picture above pretty much resembles my LP vinyl records collection I had growing up at my parents’ home. Mine contained roughly 4000 LPs that I managed to purchase and collect from the hard-earned money I made playing my music gigs back then. To make sure my records sounded great, I even purchased a Dual model turntable, which served me well for quite a few years. It was 1972, I was sixteen back then and life was good. Then came the digital CDs, my first Sony Walkman player among the many other players I purchased. As technology advanced, I had to re-invest in this digital revolution and replace the old with the new.
Today, it is my iPod that holds thousands of songs, audio books and movies. This one tiny device, that fits in my pocket, replaces my walls covered with vinyl records, cassettes and CDs as well as the various players: turntable, cassette player, reel tape and walkman I used to own.
I still remember the days when going to the music store and listening to the new records while having to signal to the store clerk, controlling the music, to skip the selection to the next song. Today, at my leisure, I visit my favorite iTunes online store. There, I can instantly listen to and watch excerpts of songs, movies and audio books and immediately purchase, download and listen to the ones I want.
Life is great.
Let me illustrate this progress through pictures:
I still remember this radio at my grandparents home when growing up
Then my first Reel-to-reel tape recorder
With the thousands of cassettes
Replaced with this awesome iPod
And my iTunes where I purchase, download and organize my music
And listen to it all using this outstanding Bose headset
There’s a great article in Wired this month by David Byrne. It’s about the options that are now available to musicians and recording artists to get their music out to the public because of the technical revolutions of recent years. Byrne identifies six different models that musicians can follow to get their music published.
Hi Rich,
I assume you are referring to this article: http://www.wired.com/entertainment/music/magazine/16-01/ff_byrne
Years ago I’ve helped implement our ERP distribution software for one of our clients who is a prominent record label in the US. As many record stores started to go our of business, it was fascinating to see how they were “forced” to change their business model and to start selling their music online, through Amazon and especially through digital downloads through iTunes and other such channel.