Creating a Bright and Promising Future Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 248

I have several hobbies and as many of you know, I am a photography enthusiast and I dedicate some of my time to study and refine this craft. One of the biggest compliments I have recently received from a friend of mine was when he said: “you have arrived!”

Here are some of my learning points as I reflect on this fascinating hobby:

  • As I improve my knowledge, skills and artistry, I am constantly reminded of how much I have yet to learn.
  • I’ve learned to keep asking myself whether I just document my subjects or create art with my subjects.
  • This hobby enabled me to meet some fascinating and brilliant people with even more fascinating and brilliant stories.
  • Many adventures have been created by me or serendipitously for me as I search for the next great shot.
  • Photography has helped me increase and recognize the meaning and purpose of my life while bringing with it many moments of smiles and even some of tears.
  • The beauty I recognize around me is intense and profound. Yet the beauty I have yet to discover and recognize is mindboggling.
  • It has given me the artistic angle to gauge and improve our web presence creations.
  • It has made me realize that the possibilities for creating and innovating are endless.
  • It has become the source of many of our innovative ideas.
  • It has become my spiritual connection where I am given the opportunity to admire and be inspired by the amazing world and creation surrounding me.

This hobby has strengthened my relationships with others, intensified my recognition of beauty and has even made me recognize the softer side of me and especially that of others! The transformation has been nothing short of remarkable as I look forward with great excitement and anticipation into the bright and promising future.

What is one of your main hobbies and what is its impact on your life and business?

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