Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 160 Investing in your Smarts Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 160

Reflection Point: Advancing technologies have been accelerated to the point that artificial intelligence is impacting and disrupting every imaginable area such as: 3D printing, human cloning, genetics, smart appliances, space and medical research and many more. I previously discussed this in my article Taking Control of Technology, when I suggested that machines seem to conquer all. Artificial intelligence has advanced to the point that I believe is nearing the capability to exceed human intelligence. When this happens it will be...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 159 What would life be like if…? Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 159

Reflection point: I was 21 and had just completed my three years of compulsory military service in Israel, when one of my friends shared a newspaper ad with me looking for people of my profile to travel to the US and bring the Israeli culture to summer camps. I ended at this beautiful place by the lake called Cleveland, Ohio, where I met my future wife to be, Laurel and where we raised our family. Fast-forward a couple of years...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 158 13 Marketing Insights For Great Success Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 158

Reflection Point: I’ve been fortunate to work with and study some of the most effective global marketers and identify what they do to achieve success. Many of these ideas are discussed with our clients and implemented to help them achieve greater results. Here are some of these ideas: Have a clear definition of the buyers you are trying to attract. Create remarkable content that resolves their challenges and helps transform their success. Promote your products and services. Offer memberships to...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 157 What’s Your Next Masterpiece? Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 157

Reflection point: Yesterday, we launched our new Innovation bimonthly digital magazine and the feedback and comments have been absolutely amazing. One of the questions I received was regarding the objectives of this magazine. Here are the reasons why we decided to create this magazine and its objectives: Bring fresh ideas and strategies to stimulate our clients’ minds and help them accelerate their business growth and success. Pull the rest of our team into the creation. Push the envelope of creativity,...

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