What would life be like if…? Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 159

Reflection point: I was 21 and had just completed my three years of compulsory military service in Israel, when one of my friends shared a newspaper ad with me looking for people of my profile to travel to the US and bring the Israeli culture to summer camps. I ended at this beautiful place by the lake called Cleveland, Ohio, where I met my future wife to be, Laurel and where we raised our family.

Fast-forward a couple of years and I am attending the local college, studying music, when I decided to take a computer programing course. I completely fell in love with computers and programming and decided to major in computer science since I felt it was the best of combining art and science. This was the inception of creating my successful software company just a few years later.

15 years ago, while running my software company, one of our clients approached me and asked if we can help his organization get to the Internet. Realizing the opportunity, I had several of our team members learn how to create web sites and ecommerce solutions. This led to the complete shift of focus of my company from being developers of software solutions to becoming an Internet strategic development company.

What would life be like if I did not audition for the summer camp job? Or take my first computer programming class? Or jump on the opportunity to start creating and implementing Internet strategies and solutions?

I can’t even imagine.

This week’s tip: Life presents us with amazing gifts and opportunities. The key is to learn to pay attention to the signals, take risks and view the challenges we face along the way as the signs that we are on the right track.

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