Write On! Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 233

Many of my clients are well known authors of insightful books on a variety of topics. Some have published one book while others have published many. Most have recognized the benefits of being a published author so they may share their wisdom with the world, gain credibility and strengthen their global thought leadership.

Many struggle with figuring out how to get published quickly, painlessly and successfully. No matter where you are on this spectrum, if you desire to further increase your body of work, let me suggest ways to effectively do this.

Your newsletters are your absolute goldmine and are one of the vehicles to quickly get your book out there. For years, I’ve been advising and pushing my clients to consistently publish their newsletters. If you have not yet started, please do so because in a few month’s time, the content of these newsletters can easily become the manuscript for your new book.

Ever doubted the power of newsletters and their transformational value? Here is a testimonial from one of my clients, Kris Putnam-Walkerly, who is a global philanthropy expert, and who has achieved measurable results with her newsletters. Here is what she said:

“Since launching my website and e-newsletter with the Chad Barr Group a year ago, I have had 6 new consulting engagements totaling over $250,000 in new revenue. I directly link this to people reading my newsletter — individuals who I had known for over a decade but had never done business with, and past clients who were reminded of me and the value I provide.”

These newsletters became Kris’s successful book Confident Giving, which was also named one of the “10 best corporate social responsibility books” and the “2017 international book award finalist for social change.” How is that for the transformational power of newsletters? I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how proud I am of Kris’s success and for my team and I to have been the influencers, strategists, designers, creators and marketers of these initiatives.

Finally, why not repurpose your podcasts, videos, infographics and other published work into your next book? The days of having to order thousands of copies are long gone. Now you can leverage powerful platforms such as: Amazon (through their CreateSpace printing arm), Kindle and iBooks to get your book out in print or digital format in no time. This will enable you to quickly become an author or add the next book to your already published body of work.

Want to learn more or get going? Call or email. I will be honored to help you publish your next book.

Before you sit down to write your next book from scratch, pull out the amazing content you have created over the years and repurpose it into your new book. You will save a tremendous amount of time and frustration and your words will be transformed quickly and easily into a viable and sellable product. Good luck!

Get your copy of my latest new books available now on my Amazon’s author page.

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