Where Do Ideas Come From? Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 188

I’ve been on a continual quest to develop unique and powerful ideas that profoundly help others. One of the most often asked questions is, where do such ideas come from? As I was reflected on this question it occurred to me that a few years ago I wrote the article: I Think I’ll Invent Something New — What Are the Best Ways of Developing New Ideas.

So in the spirit of improving upon what I already created and since I believe that a picture speaks a thousand words, I decided to communicate the message visually by my brand new and original infographic featured in this article. So what is an infographic? It is a collage of multiple visuals (diagrams, illustrations, cartoons) and text, logically organized, to tell a story and communicate a process.

So here is the debut of our first of many future infographics to share with you: Where Do Ideas Come From? 21 Insights To Accelerate Your Creative Flow.

Identify an idea you’ve previously shared and communicated. Improve on it, strengthen it with a visual and share it with your audience.

Get your copy of my latest new books available now on my Amazon’s author page.

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