Virtually Adjacent – Physically Apart Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 379

How many weeks have you been sheltered in place? Here in Cleveland it’s been about 30 days, and everyone is continuing to do their best to stay at home and follow the protocol that has been set. It’s not been easy; Zooming, Skyping and FaceTiming with my friends, family and clients has helped, though I am aching to hug and squeeze my grandkids each time I join in the virtual dance party, art project or read a book to them at bedtime.

While I continue to serve and work with my clients virtually as I have always done, the holidays last week provided a real challenge for Laurel and myself. The Passover Seder is a home-based celebration with large families and friends gathered together at the table to read the ancient story and perform the rituals. This year, with the help of modern technology, our community joined together online; dozens of faces, each in their living room and seated at the dining table, almost as if we were sitting together in person. Muting and unmuting, leading and responding, we saw one another in real time with smiling faces, songs and laughter. And yes, that’s my wife Laurel, in the photo who also plays Pharaoh during the Seder.

These are truly incredible times, ones that we will all look back on in disbelief or relief that we made it through relatively unscathed. Reach out to friends, family and clients virtually, join them in a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of wine and keep your conversations going. Together, even with distance, yet with close virtual connection, we can join together with hope for healthier times to come.   

Sending you a huge virtual hug,


Technology is our great enabler to stay connected, deliver powerful insights and help one another, especially, during these challenging times.

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