My Web Presence Predictions for 2020 Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 360

As I reflect each year on all the innovation that took place, I am in awe of the amazing new thinkers and creations the world reveals each year.

Here are my predictions for this upcoming year and some critical questions I share with you to contemplate:

  1. Mobile devices will further increase in their popularity and practical use.

    What new functions should you release next year that leverage these mobile devices?

  2. Social interactions will advance to a higher level while opening up communication with others and further breaking down borders.

    How will you be using social networks to deliver your value and grow your global reach?

  3. Online communities of mutual interests and mastermind groups will expand.

    Which communities and groups should you get involved in, build or magnify?

  4. Voice search will widen in endless applications, more gadgets and appliances and on the web.

    Where can you add voice capability to your business applications?

  5. Scams are on the rise and will keep on rising.

    What security should you put I place to protect your business and

  6. Virtual reality and experiential marketing will find more mainstream use and applications, so users may be able to “taste” your products and services and enter a virtual ride.

    Have you evaluated areas in your business where virtual reality technology may be used?

  7. Behavioral preferences will track your buying and surfing habits through the web and other smart devices. This will explode the way smart recommendations are offered to you.

    What applications should you leverage to better learn and track your buyers’ habits and preferences?

  8. Videos and podcasts will gain more strength and popularity on the various online channels which is why these platforms are thriving.

    Have you identified your digital content creation schedule for next year yet?

  9. Unique and insightful content will be needed more than ever to solve people and businesses biggest challenges.

    What is the remarkable value you will provide that will make you irresistible in your clients’ mind?

Do you need further clarity on any or all of these predictions and the best way to position yourself for explosive growth year? I’m glad to help.

Schedule time this week to review these and develop the plan to execute so 2020 becomes your best year ever!

Get your copy of my latest new books available now on my Amazon’s author page.

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