From Paralysis to Velocity Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 261

A year ago I wrote in my weekly newsletter on the topic of Discard & Delegate! How to Defeat Your Business Paralysis. This article got a lot of great feedback.

I found this process of Discard, Delegate, Outsource, Schedule, Act, to be helpful for emails, messages, projects and any other decision I am facing. And since a picture is worth a thousand words, I also had my team create this visual below:

So before attempting to take action on all the requests coming your way which will evidently overwhelm and paralyze you, ask yourself:

  1. Is it a superfluous request that you may simply discard? If so great — you are done. Otherwise continue with the next step.
  2. Is action needed and if so can you delegate to someone inside your company? If so great — you are done. Otherwise continue with the next step.
  3. Can you outsource to someone outside your company? If so great — you are done. Otherwise continue with the next step.
  4. Can you schedule this in the future since it is not a high priority? If so great — schedule and you are done for now! Otherwise continue with the next step.
  5. Is it still a high priority that requires your personal attention? If so act and take action. Otherwise reassign to one of the previous steps.

Do these five steps and you will transform yourself from paralysis to velocity, which is where great results and accomplishments are achieved.

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