Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 510 Time for Breakthrough Changes Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 510

About 10 years ago, Laurel and I had the opportunity to travel to Barcelona, Spain as a brief, 5-day stopover on our way home from Israel. We explored many of the famous sites and creations by the famous Catalan architect, Antoni Gaudi, including the breathtaking La Sagrada Familia church. Another highlight was a trip to the Pablo Picasso Museum where we stood in awe at the works of art displayed throughout. It was remarkable to see the different phases of...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 509 Let Them Eat Cake Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 509

Congratulations to us! We’re going to be grandparents again! Ok, our dog, Juno, is expecting 8 plus puppies next week and we are getting very excited and very nervous. Juno is a petite thing and a poor eater which is causing us a lot of anxiety since she needs to increase her daily calorie intake fourfold. Many of you who know me, know that food isn’t an issue in our house. We are not used to a picky eater, especially...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 508 Is a Visual Worth a Thousand Words? Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 508

I am a huge fan of using visuals, diagrams, or as I refer to them as Transformation Visuals® to help us illustrate functions, methods and also use as diagnostic tools. I believe these visuals succinctly communicate our concepts while saving us the need to use many clarifying words. Here are several examples: I have concluded that creating a powerful web presence to dominate the web is like putting together a complete jigsaw puzzle. The main components are strategizing, marketing, branding,...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 507 There Is a Blessing in the Lesson Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 507

Laurel and I will be heading to Columbus this week again to lead the Day of Atonement services (Yom Kippur) and I wanted to share an event that occurred just 3 weeks ago to the associate rabbi and the lesson I gleaned from it. As many of you know, this holiday season is analogous to the spring tax season for accountants! There is SO much preparation and Laurel and I have been creating, writing, and rehearsing for quite some time....

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