12 Life and Business Lessons I Learned from PickleBall Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 474

I have come to realize that life and business lessons are always lurking all around us, waiting to be discovered if only we pay closer attention in order to recognize them. Having said that, you may know of my love for the game of PickleBall, the hottest and fastest growing sport in the US. I’ve been playing daily for almost three years both recreationally and competitively and find it a great way to invigorate my day, stay in shape and meet and make great friends. And there are many lessons I have gleaned from playing that apply to the game, life and business. Here are my top 12:

  1. Practice or drills are the key and foundation to improving my skills and my craft.
  2. Studying the game and the technique of top players help me improve my own game and nuances of the sport.
  3. Building a community allows me to interact with others and expand my network.
  4. Retaining a coach is a sure way to accelerate my progress, stay on track, and reach my goals.
  5. Injuries and mishaps are often unavoidable and are a reminder of the need to make adjustments, always have a plan B and reach out for help when needed.
  6. Measuring our personal progress is critical to making sure we stay on track and reach our goals.
  7. Experimenting and trying new things is the only way to innovate, push the envelope and raise the bar.
  8. Pushing ourselves to higher levels of play is paramount to avoiding procrastination and stagnation while reaching heights never before imagined.
  9. When you fall in love with what you do, the lines of demarcation between work and pleasure become blurred.
  10. Scheduling rest and thinking time are crucial for recovery, renewing energy and staying healthy while thriving.
  11. Developing the proper strategy is the way of identifying what success looks like and then reaching it.
  12. According to the effort is the reward. Sitting back and watching from the sidelines will never get us any further ahead than where we are right now. Taking action is the key.

Over the years, I have written about profound life and business lessons I have learned from my family, clients, thought leaders, photography, and nature, to name a few. Let’s open up all our senses, pay attention to our surroundings and let us embrace the next aha moment which will inspire our next creation.  

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