Your Recipe to Internet Marketing Success

I view the web as an important component of your overall marketing effort and driving interest to your organization. Seldom, would your Internet effort alone drive the proper interest and success to your organization. However, combined with the following list below and you are looking at the recipe to success:

  • Speaking – Is one of the best ways to deliver value to your audience and engage with your presentation. It is especially effective if you leverage your web content during your presentation. Why not reference an article or a position paper: “Let me share with you the top 3 mistakes organizations make …” or perhaps display a chart or graph.
  • Publishing – I referring here to both digital and non-digital methods. A hard copy booklet or book and a digital version of such are a very powerful way of complementing your web efforts. This may happen on your site, your blog or on others as well as appearing in various other publications.
  • Body of work– The Internet today makes it extremely easy to publish a variety of media formats. Be it the written words, photos, charts, audio podcasts and videos. This creates an interesting variety for people to choose and process at their leisure, when they want and using the technology of their choice: Laptop, desktop, iPod, iPhone and so on.
  • Products and services – This is a critical item to create interest in you, for people to be able to engage you and create mutual success. From the promotion of consulting, mentoring, speaking, training, booklets, books, DVDs, surveys, workshops, retreats, webinars, teleseminars and more.
  • Provocative – If you want to get noticed, you have to be able to stand out in the crowd. Yet if you sound like everyone else, you won’t. One of the best way to have others notice you and become an object of interest is to become provocative.
  • Strong relationships – None of this intended success is possible without the creation of strong relationship and partnership with your clients and always looking for their self interest.
  • Delivery of value – The driving force in all of this is the ultimate value the client receive.
  • Shamelessly promoting yourself- You can not remain a best kept secret and expect success to knock on your door. Nor could you expect to build it and they will came. These stories usually take place in fairy tails or modern movies. You’ve got to promote yourself, your brands and your products and services and become successful.

“It’s hard work you say?” Yes, it probably is. Yet there is no short cutting the system. Place these components effectively together and amazing Internet results will come your way.

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