The Year at a Glance Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 156

One of my favorite and most successful rituals is to review my accomplishments against my goals each day, week, month and year so I may better calibrate and adjust. Since we are about to close the year and in the spirit of sharing, accountability and a little bragging, here are the highlights of a few of our accomplishments:

  1. The debut of the new web presence for The Chad Barr Group.
  2. The launches of many creative and exciting new web presence implementations for many of our clients. Here are just a few:
    1. The Jared Nichols Group
    2. The Coach Initiative
    3. Realising Potential
    4. Strategic Thinking Institute
    5. Fortitude Consulting
    6. Alan Weiss
    7. The Stimson Group
    8. Wintrip Consulting Group
    9. The Watershed Group
    10. Michael Couch & Associates
    11. Blackman & Associates
  3. This weekly newsletter, Raising The Barr®, represents issue number 156, which is the manifestation of 3 years of content publishing, which has generated increased awareness, new connections, increased thought leadership and business.
  4. Traveled the world, met some amazing people, and attended some outstanding growth developmental experiences. The sunset shot I took in Newport, RI, is my proof.
  5. Help our clients create thousands of pieces of remarkable content and products such as eBooks, subscription services, video books and online training, by leveraging our Creating Global Digital Empires® service. All to help them strengthen their own thought leadership, impact and overall success.

Here are a few of my next year goals:

  1. Release our new (and amazingly exciting) bimonthly digital magazine called Innovate during the first week of January.
  2. Secure a publisher for my next book.
  3. Launch our new online product.
  4. Develop a new public workshop.
  5. Improve my fitness, life balance while spending more quality time with family, friends and smart colleagues.

How about you? What are some of the accomplishments and goals you would be willing to share? Would love to hear from you.

Here is to an amazing 2016 and Happy New Year!


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