Are You Content With Your Content? Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 3

This week’s reflection point: While attending a stimulating business development meeting recently, all of us around the table were discussing ideas and routes to improve each other’s business and life. Some perhaps more animated and even passionate than others. It occurred to me that not all entrepreneurs are committed to their business growth or their intellectual property development. They are simply content with where they are.

Although I don’t like to pass judgment on others, (I guess I am about to start), and respect people’s choices, this has never made sense to me. If one of the objectives of becoming an entrepreneur is to help improve our clients’ lives and businesses, how could we do that without demonstrating consistent improvement in ours? And if you buy into my argument, how can one do that without communicating these improvement ideas through their creation of content such as articles, podcasts, videos booklets, books and more?

So are you content with your content? The answer to this question may be as profound as the difference between surviving and thriving!

This week’s tip: Ask your clients to share with you their top three challenges. Then create content that addresses these challenges with ideas on how to resolve them.

© Chad Barr 2013. All Rights Reserved.

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