Celebrating Life’s Simple Joys This Thanksgiving Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 566

This Thanksgiving, as we navigate through a world rife with challenges and heartaches, I find guidance in the words of Nelson Mandela: “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” These words echo profoundly in my heart, particularly in a time marked by the absence of loved ones and the presence of loss in our lives.

In every corner of our world, we feel the echoes of loss and absence, leaving chairs empty at our tables, and our hearts aching for those we miss. Yet, it’s in these moments of reflection that I find a deeper sense of gratitude for the blessings that persist, even amidst trials.

Emerging from the shadows of the pandemic, we have not only survived but grown – in empathy, in community spirit, and in the appreciation of the simple yet profound joys of life. Our shared resilience has become a beacon, illuminating the path towards a collective sense of hope and understanding.

And let’s not overlook the smaller wonders – the sudden appearance of a rainbow arching across the autumn sky, a vibrant promise amidst the fall leaves painting our world in hues of amber and gold. These are reminders of the everyday miracles that often go unnoticed but deserve our thanks.

As we gather with family and friends over a sumptuous meal, let’s take a moment to remember and recognize all the bountiful blessings that we enjoy this day and throughout the year. Let’s honor those absent, not just in silence, but in the joy and gratitude of the moments we shared.

I cherish our bond and am grateful for the privilege of calling each one of you my friend. I don’t take our friendship for granted and wish you a holiday filled with blessings, love, and hope for peace.

This Thanksgiving, I encourage us all to reach out to someone who has touched our life – to express gratitude, to offer support, or simply to share a moment of connection. Together, let’s make this holiday a beacon of hope and gratitude, celebrating not just what we have, but who we are to each other.


Thank You,


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