Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 576 Embracing Failure: The Unexpected Key to Success Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 576

Have you ever considered that your next setback might pave the way to your most significant triumph? Thomas Edison’s journey to invent the electric light bulb is a testament to this. Despite facing thousands of failures, his unwavering dedication and refusal to surrender culminated in one of the greatest inventions of all time. Consider Steve Jobs in 1985: ousted from Apple, the very company he established. His absence led to Apple’s severe struggles and financial woes. Yet, upon his return...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 575 Navigating the Cyber Minefield: Essential Strategies for Digital Safety Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 575

In an era where digital threats loom at every corner, we often encounter clients grappling with compromised systems – a clear sign of the pervasive dangers in our digital landscape. This article is a clarion call to recognize and guard against these lurking cyber threats. Understanding the Digital Danger Zone: Malware and Viruses: Beyond mere nuisances, these programs are digital predators, hijacking your data for ransom and pilfering personal information. Phishing Attacks: Cybercriminals often use deceptive emails or messages that...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 574 I Don’t Have Time for That… Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 574

In the dynamic world of business, “I don’t have time for that” is a phrase we often hear and, regrettably, use. Reflect for a moment. Is this a statement of fact, a manifestation of misguided beliefs, or merely a convenient excuse? I propose that this phrase frequently originates from a fear of failure, reluctance to embrace change, or a sense of being overwhelmed. Recognizing these underlying issues is crucial in tackling the core problem. Isn’t it often less about the...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 573 What’s Your Word of the Year? Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 573

Have you chosen your word of the year yet? As an advocate for intentional growth, I find immense value in selecting a distinct word each year. This word isn’t just a label; it’s a guiding beacon, providing clarity, focus, and direction. It synchronizes your priorities, decisions, and actions, aligning them with your overarching goals. Building on the momentum from last week’s “Creating Your Best Year Ever Checklist,” I propose that choosing your word of the year is just as crucial...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 572 Creating Your Best Year Ever Checklist Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue 572

As we embark on our journey into the next year, I find myself contemplating: How prepared am I to make this year not just better, but the best year ever? I’ve prepared a checklist to guide us through this process, and I hope it serves as a beacon, helping you achieve your most remarkable year yet. Checklist: Aspect Focus Points Successes and Failures Reflect on your past year’s accomplishments and failures. Identify the strategies and actions that led to these...

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