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The Content is Dead. Long Live the Content.

During one of my recent speeches in Rhode Island I was asked by a member of the audience to further articulate the ways of creating fresh and new content on the web. Here are some of my favorite methods of doing so:

  1. During your speaking presentations, pause and ask the audience for the key challenges they are facing. In other words, if they could wave the magic wand what are the issues they would like to resolve that pertain to your areas of expertise.
  2. Listen to what your clients are asking you. Pay attention and document the questions asked of you during your conversations with your clients. These questions are a fountain of knowledge you hold that needs to be further created and developed by you.
  3. While attending conferences and workshops, listen to what people are asking. The collective wisdom of others may often benefit and influence your creative output.
  4. Have someone interview you and create an article, audio or video recording.
  5. Same as above yet why not interview other thought leaders, successful bloggers and entrepreneurs to further help your clients.
  6. Repurpose old content by adding several new points and posting it as a current topic.
  7. Help reporters by querying their questions and giving them the answers. Services such as or can help you leverage your knowledge and become better recognized by being quoted.
  8. Read key publications such as the Wall Street Journal and write or tape a contrarian position to a popular topic.
  9. Partner with a great content writer who can interview you quickly and then generate powerful content on your behalf.
  10. Provide a Q&A section on your site and blog and ask your audience for their opinion there and at the end of your posts.
  11. Look on social media platforms and review what people are asking and then develop your answers and publish it on your sites.
  12. Brainstorm ideas with your mastermind group or trusted advisers.
  13. Take your audio recorder on your daily walks and dictate your thoughts to be further transcribed.
  14. Record a podcast or video and then have it transcribed so it also appears in text.
  15. Develop the structure for a one-day workshop and then create smaller segments to be featured as short podcasts, videos or eBooks on your sites.

Not only do people like fresh new content but search engines devour it as well. Please keep in mind that it is not just content the rules the web but it is provocative content that is the ace!

© Chad Barr 2011 All Rights Reserved

When we provide our clients with extraordinary content and the WOW factor, we’re really building business partnerships with them. The best business partnerships are created by delivering superior value, establishing clear communication, and providing constant support.

The Chad Barr Group keeps our clients at the forefront of their industries.