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Decoding Success

Imagine receiving more business than you can handle allowing you to choose and select to work with the greatest clients and most exciting projects. Although this may be a great desire and aspiration for many, it is actually the fortunate reality for many of my clients as well as many thought leaders I come in contact with.

I have been studying and analyzing success for quite some time. While decoding it, I have come to the conclusion that the most successful entrepreneurs are engaged in six crucial elements that position them ahead of everyone else. Let me explain further and share with you what they do:

  1. Contact list. They create, grow and nurture their database, or list of contacts they stay in touch with. These contacts represent their clients, prospective clients, colleagues, partners, previous clients, family, friends and anyone that would potentially benefit from their value.
  2. Content. They are prolific creators and publishers of a vast amount of content in a variety of formats, such as: books, booklets, podcasts audio segments, videos, and process visuals or diagrams. They also create a variety of products and services, such as: workshops, teleseminars, webinars, as well as consulting, coaching and mentoring services.
  3. Reach out. They consistently and effectively reach out to their audience and provide them with their valuable content and developmental experiences. What should be obvious here is that they provide their audience with genuine and remarkable value. Reaching out to their audience is a constant ongoing activity.
  4. Marketing. They are all effective in leveraging every aspect of various marketing channels available to them. This may include web site platforms, blogs, referrals, social media channels, media appearances, speaking engagements, and alliances to just name a few.
  5. Discipline. They all convey the utmost discipline and are exceptional in their ability to take action and consistently execute their plans. When discussing these success attributes with my clients who aspire to become more successful, they often share with me how amazed and overwhelmed they are with the vast amount of content the most successful entrepreneurs generate. It is obvious to me that it is the discipline and execution that makes this achievable.
  6. Self-esteem. They have a healthy self-esteem and do not fear failure. They are innovative and often re-invent themselves. In order to do so, it requires they take risks to try new ideas. My observation is that these so-called failures are their way of fine-tuning their next successful offering.

That sums it up. I have handed you the decoder ring, and am calling on you to take action and make these an integral part of your business success.

When we provide our clients with extraordinary content and the WOW factor, we’re really building business partnerships with them. The best business partnerships are created by delivering superior value, establishing clear communication, and providing constant support.

The Chad Barr Group keeps our clients at the forefront of their industries.