Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 8 Collective Wisdom Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 8

This week’s reflection point: I am here in Naples, Florida, spending a couple of days with a group of 10 successful business colleagues from around the world. While here, we examine our businesses, share best practices, brainstorm and challenge ourselves to improve our lives, businesses and of course, that of our clients. Remarkable things take place when a group of smart people gets together and each raises the bar for the rest. Here are a few of the concepts we...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 7 You Look Marvelous Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 7

This week’s reflection point: Attractive book covers get people to open them and glance inside. The same applies to your web site. Attractive, professional and intriguing home pages do the same, which is why I recommend that my clients position them and make them look as world-class as possible. In my previous Get Noticed! memo, I discussed the importance of your interior pages since many visits to your site may actually start there. However, assuming your visitor gets to your...

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5 SEO Myths

So what are the top SEO myths or mistakes? Click on the play arrow below and listen to this podcast and Chad share the top 5 with you. © Chad Barr 2013. All rights reserved

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 6 The Cost of Doing Nothing Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 6

This week’s reflection point: Every once in a while I come across a colleague or a prospective client who is interested in implementing a new business idea. Some examples are: hiring a mentor, starting a speaking career, implementing a new web strategy, or writing a book. After an enthusiastic conversation, they seem to go into mental hibernation. I acknowledge that when it comes to key decisions, we all have to set the proper priorities. However, in follow up conversations, it...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 5 Targeted Value Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 5

This week’s reflection point: What would your reaction be if you got the following note via email? “During our last conversation, you shared with me that your key challenge is how to grow your business and thrive rather than simply survive. Hoping it is of great value to you, I am attaching an article that discusses the top 9 pragmatic ways to significantly grow your business. I would love to get your feedback on this and share two other ideas...

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