Scenes from the Million Dollar Club in Bora Bora 2010

Each year, our Million Dollar club, arranged and facilitated by my friend, mentor and client Alan Weiss, heads out to an exotic place somewhere on this planet to engage in stimulating discussions about our businesses. We then get to tough it out and have an amazing time together discussing life balance and the future of civilization over great wine and outstanding dining experiences. This year we have selected the Four Seasons resort in Bora Bora which was just spectacular. So...

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Best Practices from My Best Clients

In my article Best Practices from My Best Clients I reveal my observations of what my most successful clients are doing. You may be surprised. Checkout our most recent newsletter announcing the new site for Betsy Jordyn, President of Accelera Consulting Group. Finally, it’s time to thank YOU and wish you and your family a healthy, peaceful and prosperous year. All the best, Chad

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Why Should You Improve Your Speaking Skills?

I find speaking critical from several perspectives. Here are some of the reasons I encourage others to speak often: It is an effective vehicle that enables me to deliver my evolving intellectual property. It sharpens my language, delivery and speaking skills. It allows me to try and test new ideas and material. It enables me to interact with my audience and receive immediate feedback as well as gauge what’s on their minds and what are their concerns, which allows me...

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Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

I am often asked by my mentorees to articulate the skills and traits of what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur. Here is a list I compiled with the top 12 in no praticular order: 1. Enthusiasm. 2. Curiosity. 3. Marketing – This one is huge. Ability to market self, team, products and services. 4. Sales. 5. Smart risk taking. 6. Communication – Effectively building relationships, public speaking, writing and publishing. 7. Learn to recognize opportunities. 8. Creation of...

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Karen Eber Davis Interviews Chad Barr

Leveraging Video to Capture the Hearts and Minds of Donors. If a picture can capture 1,000 words, imagine what a video can capture! Learn with us how to use a simple technique for less than $300 to capture the passion your donors feel for your organization. . .and share it with others. Click below to listen to the podcast where Karen Eber Davis interviews me as we discuss how to best leverage videos and the flip video technology to effectively...

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New Site –

I am delighted to announce that our remarkable team has recently launched the amazing new sites and Internet strategy for Lisa Martin, President of Lisa Martin International, located in Vancouver, Canada. Lisa focuses on maximizing talent to achieve outrageous outcomes. Click here or on image below to view the new site: Click here to read what clients say about Lisa. Click here to watch Lisa’s videos. Click on our portfolio page collection to view other sites and strategies we have...

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Life After Your Web Site Launch

Checkout our most recent newsletter where I am reporting on some of my key takeaways from the amazing Million Dollar Club meeting in Bora Bora – Paradise on earth. In my article You Just Launched Your New Web Site, Now What? I discuss what your next steps should be once you launch your web site.

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Requesting Testimonials – When and How?

One of the most effective ways of creating credibility on the web is through endorsements of others or clients testimonials. The reasoning behind this is quite simple; If I were to tell you how great my organization is, you may perceive it flamboyant, unlikely or perhaps even hyped. Yet if my client were to tell you the amazing results they’ve received by working with us, that is a proof! For testimonials to be most effective, they should focus on dramatic...

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Testimonial from Patricia Fripp

I will be the guest speaker on Saturday 6/12/10, in Las Vegas, for The Odd Couple® Marketing & Strategy Seminar for Speakers, Consultants & Coaches, conducted by Dr. Alan Weiss and Patricia Fripp as I will share the stage with them. I will be discussing and presenting one of my favorite topics: Million Dollar Web Sites. Hope to see you there. Below are three videos testimonials from Patrica Fripp taped (a couple of years ago) after one of my presentation....

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Life is Good

It is a beautiful morning here in Newport, Rhode Island, as I just arrived for the Thrive! experience with a very special group of people. I’ve decided to get here a bit early so I may slow down the wheels of life a bit, sit and watch the water scenes, listen to the beautiful sounds around me (water, wind, boats, birds, the flag) and read a great book. And yes, Chadology is by my side to capture and enhance these...

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