Is Your Web Site Set for Success?

In a recent presentation I delivered in Rhode Island I was asked what are the components I consider when reviewing the effectiveness of web sites for my clients and prospective clients. Here is the list I have quickly come up with:

  • Does the site clearly incorporates the three elements of web success which are: world-class design, remarkable content that supports an effective strategy and tactics? Remember my philosophy: “Strategy first, technology second!”
  • Is there a strong list of clients you’ve done business with?
  • Are there many testimonials from your clients discussing the successes you have helped generate for them in the form of written, audios and videos?
  • Does your site show the results you have generated for your clients, listed as bullet points and are substantiated with testimonials and case studies?
  • Are there interesting case studies discussing the challenges your clients face, your intervention to help resolve these challenges and then the outstanding results created?
  • Can I easily find your intellectual property manifested through articles, checklists, process visuals, audios, videos, surveys and more?
  • Are there audios and videos segments that intrigue me to listen, watch and learn?
  • Are you demonstrating good products and services for me to consider purchasing or inquiring about?
  • Does the site incorporate call to actions for me to click on and direct me to other interesting areas on the site?
  • Does it answer the key question of “What’s in it for me?” and demonstrate an overall value for me, the visitor?
  • And finally, does it look as the site is stagnant or constantly evolve with new ideas, innovation and creativity?

Let me also suggest the following items to consider:

  • Is there a strong value proposition that is pithy and succinct that articulates the way you dramatically help improve your clients lives and businesses?
  • Is there way too much text on your home page?
  • Can I easily recognize your key offerings in an engaging way?
  • Is there an easy way to contact you on all site pages?
  • Are there interesting links to click on to provide additional information for me to explore and decide to contact you?
  • Are there provocative titles and provocative content that will create great interest for the visitor to explore or will the visitor say “so what?” and go elsewhere?
  • Is there a site map and an ability to easily search the site?

I could just as easily have come up with quite a few other points. Yet if your site and strategy incorporate the list above, I will acknowledge that you are ahead of your colleagues and competitors and are leading towards greater success.

So where are you and how would you rank your site?

© Chad Barr 2011. All rights reserved

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