How to Hijack a Limo?

My great friend, Phil Symchcyh, tells the story better than I ever could. So here is the NYC story and thank you Phil for sharing:

Limo driver in airport, holding sign for BERNICE.

Chad marches up to him, says in his authoritative, assertive voice, “BARR!”

Driver nods, Chad nods, off they go. I’m running to catch up.

Half way to our hotel, driver’s phone rings. His dispatcher yells, “Where are you? Bernice is at the airport and she’s ready for your ride to Park St.”

Driver, in heavy Russian accent, “I have my passengers. Going to Park St.”

Dispatcher: “Who do you have?”

Driver: “Two guys”

Dispatcher: “Bernice is a woman. Wrong passengers, You’re on your own, buddy.” Chad and I look at each other, wondering what that means.

Approaching a toll gate. BANG. Driver runs over a shovel, takes out the drivers door mirror. Driver gets out, pushes mirror against door, mirror falls down, repeats, same result. Gets in car. Drives us to Park St. Pulls up to the hotel front doors. Bell hops are yelling at him to go around to the garage entrance. Driver finds the garage entrance.

Chad and I throw twenty dollar bills at him and run away before we get into any more trouble.

And that’s how you hijack a limo.

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