
Here are some of the questions I am pondering. Why: Don’t entrepreneurs eliminate trivial tasks and decisions that are taking them off their goals? Because it’s easier and it takes commitment and discipline to focus on their goal. Is common-sense so uncommon? Because perhaps it is an innate trait that can not be learned or taught. Do so many so-called thought leaders and thinkers mostly quote others rather than develop their own unique quotes? Because it is the easy and lazy...

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Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 1 The Big Bang Raising the Barr Weekly Memo: Issue No. 1

This week’s reflection point: Happy New Year! Have you started your year with a bang? Newton’s law states that objects at rest tend to stay at rest while objects in motion tend to remain in motion. The most positive impact you may have to your life and business is to develop your marketing plan and put it immediately into action or motion. I would actually recommend that you break your plan into weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly marketing tasks and...

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BIG NEWS- Alan Weiss and Chad Barr on Spreecast!

Alan Weiss and Chad Barr will be joining Mitch Jackson on Spreecast to talk about their new book “Million Dollar Web Presence- Leverage The Web To Build Your Brand and Transform Your Business”. According to the New York Post, Alan is “One of the most highly respected independent consultants in the country.” He is one of those rare people who can say he is a consultant, speaker and author and mean it. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc. has attracted...

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Start The Year by Staying in Motion

Newton’s laws of motion states that “Objects at rest tend to stay at rest while objects in motion tend to remain in motion.” I’d like to suggest that the same concept applies to your life and business. So why not start your year with the ultimate motion which is your commitment to execution? What are the top three things you are committed to take action on this month? Happy New Year! © Chad Barr 2013. All rights reserved

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