Why Go Global At All?

Among other reasons: Reduce domestic economic volatility. Create a balanced portfolio not dependent on a single economy. Increase expansion opportunities. There are emerging, high-growth markets all over the world. It’s not labor intensive. The point we’re making in this chapter and book is that it’s easily done with little investment, creating great potential ROI. Learn continually. You’ll be exposed to diverse people, cultures, backgrounds, and opinions. Increase selectivity. You have the flexibility to pick and choose your clients. Stay in...

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Time for Celebration

I am here in Orlando visiting my kids and grandkids and celebrating Rosh Hashana with them. And the icing on the cake today was my grandson’s first birthday party. Let the pictures do the talking and the precious moments expressed on my grandkids’ faces:

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How To Create Effective Client Video Testimonials

One of the most effective ways to create credibility on the web is by showcasing your client testimonials through videos. When given the opportunity, I highly recommend you do so and even invest in a professional videographer. Here are my recommendations: Keep the testimonial short (preferably 90 seconds or less). If there is one key question you want your client answering it is: “What was the biggest impact on their business or life as a result of your involvement?” If...

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Happy New Year

May this year be a year of good health, happiness, peace and prosperity to us all. With the lovely music to the Shehecheyanu sung by my wife, Laurel, at the Cantor’s concert.

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Podcast Openings

When recording podcasts here are some of my favorite openings: I am often times being asked…. Ever wonder…. Imagine…. Did you know that…. I was talking with a client of mine when she said…. Here is what I want you to do…. Let me now list the 7 top steps to success…. 82% of CRM solutions fail prior to…. My question for you: What are some of your favorite openings? Please leave your comment here.  © Chad Barr 2012. All rights...

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Meet The Buyer (MTB)

I acknowledge that marketing and sales activities are noble causes and are critical to attract potential buyers, provide them with value to help them grow, and have them become your clients. However, unless you connect and meet with your buyers, whether in person or on the web, the potential that you will be able to add them as new clients is significantly diminished. That is why I came up with the acronym of MTB or Meet The Buyer, to keep you...

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Overcoming Writer’s Block

Are you suffering from writer’s block or a temporary brain freeze? Many I talk with admit to me that writing and publishing is challenging for them at times. This manifests itself not only when people feel they have nothing to say, but even when they do, their well runs dry. I have written before on how to develop new ideas but today I would like to quickly demonstrate how easy it is to come up with further interesting topics to...

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Content Best Practices from My Most Successful Clients

Let me share with you what my most successful clients do regarding their content. Their content: Is created often and prolifically. Gets noticed by others engages them. Is shared by others with their connections. Is provocative, which means that it forces the recipient to think, agree or disagree. Mobilizes the recipient to take action toward their success. Manifests itself in a variety of formats: Articles, podcasts. images, videos, process visuals, audio books, ebooks, booklets, books, teleseminars, workshops and so on....

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New Site – www.ClientLeadership.com

I am delighted to announce the launch of the Client Leadership site, which is all about creating clients for life. It is supported by remarkable video content from some of the top global thought leaders. This site was founded by my dear client, Andrew Sobel, strategized by Andrew and me and created by our team. Click on our portfolio page collection to view other sites and strategies we have created.

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Here are some of the questions I am pondering. Why: Do SEO spammers resort to spam solicitation emails rather than using their energy to attract clients with effective SEO techniques? Do most focus on tactics rather than identify their strategy first and then execute? Are so many wasting their time on various social media platforms rather than develop their own content and various offerings? Do entrepreneurs say they will do it but they don’t? Do most claim that their best...

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