Which Domain Extension Should You Register?

When registering your domain name (URL) the one I recommend you secure, that is the most important and popular, is the one that ends with a .com extension. Assuming then that you have secured the .com extension, you are in great shape. However, you may want to also consider registering the following extensions: .net, .org, ,info, .biz and .us if you are in the US. For example, my blog name is hosted under www.ChadBarr.com which is registered and owned by...

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Million Dollar Web Presence – My New Book

I am delighted to share with you that I have just completed the writing of my new book Million Dollar Web Presence – Leverage technology to build your brand and transform your business, which I am co-authoring with my great friend, colleague and partner, Dr. Alan Weiss. This took five months to complete, will be published by Entrepreneur Press and is expected to hit the stores by March 2012. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements, excerpts from the book and...

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What is Your Strategy?

Developing a sound strategy is critical before success is achieved on the Internet. I often talk with prospective clients who ask me to further articulate and provide them with additional clarity as to what strategy is. So with that in mind, I have decided to write this section for my new upcoming book Million Dollar Web Presence. Since I get asked this question a lot, here it is for your benefit. A strategy is the framework that helps you identify...

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Marketing Master Practices

Here is a partial list, from my new upcoming book, of five marketing master practices that I see quite often: 1.     Leveraging your sites and technology to increase your credibility. 2.     Incorporating the accelerant curve in your overall strategy of products creation. 3.     Recognizing that your site is the ultimate repository of your remarkable intellectual property. 4.     Effectively leveraging social media platforms and connections to build a community around your brand. Then, nurture this connections and your community. 5.     Incorporating...

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New Site – www.AllAccessGroup.com

I am delighted to announce the new site we’ve launched of Kelli Richards, President & CEO of The All Access Group, located in California. Kelli’s focus is on creating connections across music, entertainment and technology. What I like about this site: World-class design and navigation to help Kelli strengthen her thought leadership and brand. Outstanding content in the form of articles, podcasts on site and on blog talk radio, videos, newsletters, updated blog and social media interaction. Focused strategy and...

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Marketing Mishaps

Here is a partial list, from my new upcoming book, of five marketing mishaps that I see quite often: 1.     Using a link that takes the visitor to your home page and not to a targeted landing page. This is a huge mistake. Instead, formulate unique pages that are clear to understand with effective calls to action and direct your visitor there. 2.     Not attempting to capture your visitor’s information and not offering free valuable content in return. 3.     Trying...

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Chad Barr Interviews Gail Goodman, CEO, Constant Contact

This is a rare interview I have just conducted with Gail Goodman who is the bright, innovative and visionary CEO of Constant Contact, the email and event marketing giant. We discussed topics such as growing your business, strengthening your brand, leveraging creative technologies, the Internet and social media. You’ll here answers to questions such as: Where to find more business that most customers don’t look for? With social media amplifying everyone, who should you really amplify? Who should you follow...

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Have You Shopped Your Own Business Lately?

I have recently started to contact some of today’s most successful and well-known global thought leaders for a one day event I am planning on organizing. I have to admit that, for me, this has been an interesting experience. I was impressed with the direct and quick response from quite a few of these thought leaders or their assistants. This is where this story gets interesting. One of these very well-known thought leader wrote me back that he is interested...

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